Resolutions for changes to bylaws and BCLTA policy must be voted on and approved by the submitting local library board and submitted to the BCLTA by February 22, 2025 with the date of the meeting at which the resolution was passed included with the resolution. The BCLTA resolutions committee will then review the resolutions, seek clarification if required and write composite resolutions should more than one library submit the same resolution. The resolutions will be sent out to library boards with the agenda for the AGM by March 8th, 45 days prior to the AGM as per the BCLTA policy and bylaws.
The following steps will guide you through the process of writing a board resolution:
1. Put the date and resolution number at the top. For BCLTA the form does this for you.
2. Give the resolution a title that relates to the decision. For example, “Resolution to Designate Funds from the 2023 Gala Fundraiser to the Marketing Fund.”
3. Use formal language. Begin each new paragraph with the word, whereas. The first sentence should reference the board’s responsibility. For example, “Whereas it is the responsibility of the Board to designate funds for a specific purpose…”
4. Continue writing out each critical statement. Use a separate paragraph for each important point.
5. Wrap up the heart of the resolution in the last statement. The last statement of the resolution should state the final resolution, which is the action the board took or will take. For example, “Now, therefore be it resolved to designate the funds from the 2023 Gala Fundraiser to the Marketing Fund.”
Holtz, J. (2023, May 26). How to write a board resolution: Best practices. Board Portal Software | BoardEffect UK.