Trustee Circle: Continuing the Conversation

Wednesday, February 26, 6:30-8:00pm

Join fellow trustees in this collaborative session to continue meaningful conversations about the BCLTA Town Hall from February 19. This informal, peer-driven dialogue is an opportunity to share experiences, ask questions, and gain fresh perspectives on DEI and other related topics.

>> RSVP Now

2025 BCLTA Call for Resolutions: Last Call

Resolutions for changes to bylaws and BCLTA policy must be voted on and approved by the submitting local library board and submitted to the BCLTA by February 22, 2025 with the date of the meeting at which the resolution was passed included with the resolution.  The BCLTA resolutions committee will then review the resolutions, seek clarification if required and write composite resolutions should more than one library submit the same resolution.  The resolutions will be sent out to library boards with the agenda for the AGM by March 8th, 45 days prior to the AGM as per the BCLTA policy and bylaws. 

The following steps will guide you through the process of writing a board resolution:
1.    Put the date and resolution number at the top.  For BCLTA the form does this for you.
2.    Give the resolution a title that relates to the decision. For example, “Resolution to Designate Funds from the 2023 Gala Fundraiser to the Marketing Fund.”
3.    Use formal language. Begin each new paragraph with the word, whereas. The first sentence should reference the board’s responsibility. For example, “Whereas it is the responsibility of the Board to designate funds for a specific purpose…”
4.    Continue writing out each critical statement. Use a separate paragraph for each important point.
5.    Wrap up the heart of the resolution in the last statement. The last statement of the resolution should state the final resolution, which is the action the board took or will take. For example, “Now, therefore be it resolved to designate the funds from the 2023 Gala Fundraiser to the Marketing Fund.”

Holtz, J. (2023, May 26). How to write a board resolution: Best practices. Board Portal Software | BoardEffect UK.

New Board Chairs Email List

The BC Library Trustees email list for board chairs is being upgraded and updated. 

The new list is on Discourse, a member-based discussion platform administered by the BC Libraries Cooperative.  To add new members to the list, we will send an invitation to join Discourse.  Please check your junk/spam folder – some invitations may be treated as spam.

If you have problems joining, please contact Chris Middlemass at

Board Essentials: Roles & Responsibilities

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

6.30 – 8pm

Cost $20

Join us for an overview of the roles and responsibilities of trustees and public library boards, suitable as an introduction for new trustees, and a refresher for current trustees and library directors.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to define their governance responsibilities, identify their statutory duties, describe the three modes of governance that lead to strong decision-making, and recognize tools and practices that build effective boards.

Limit of 35 participants

2025 Nominations for the BCLTA Board

 Join the BCLTA Board

The BCLTA Board is seeking candidates for 2 directors’ positions on the BCLTA board for two-year terms commencing at the 2025 AGM. BCLTA values different perspectives, ways of knowing, and lived experiences in its board composition and encourages local boards to nominate candidates who will enhance our understanding of the needs of communities.

As per Article 4.2 of the constitution and bylaws, BCLTA Board members must be members in good standing on the current board of their local library, or members who have served on their local library board within the previous two years and have left the board due to having served eight consecutive years, or in the case of regional library boards due to not having been re-elected in local government elections.  Candidate names must be submitted to the BCLTA by March 22nd.

Please refer to the 2025 BCLTA Board Nominations form or contact Christine Middlemass for more information.

Hold the Dates

Welcome to 2025 and a new year of exciting things for BCLTA! We are working behind the scenes to roll out this year’s workshops and opportunities for members to meet eachother and share their experiences and ideas. More will come soon. In the meantime please hold these dates:

Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Town Hall (Zoom.) Opportunity to meet your Board and share ideas and feedback. More will follow shortly.

Tuesday, April 22, 2025. Annual General Meeting (Zoom.) Calls for nominations for the BCLTA Board and for resolutions will be coming out shortly.

If you have any questions do contact me at

Christine Middlemass, Interim Executive Director

Announcement: December 2024

Farewell to Vea Coronado, Outgoing Executive Director

The Board of BCLTA bids farewell to Vea Coronado who leaves the ED position on December 7th, 2024. Vea has done a wonderful job of revitalizing BCLTA’s services to the membership, Trustees of Provincial Public Libraries and Public Library Associations. She has actively participated in and contributed to the Library Partners and its advocacy initiatives. We greatly appreciate her leadership and hard work for BCLTA, all delivered with a cheerful and positive demeanor. We wish Vea the best as she moves forward with her career.

As she wraps up some BCLTA projects behind the scenes, you can continue to reach Vea at in the upcoming months.

A message from Vea: I want to extend my sincerest gratitude to BCLTA and to all the trustees, library directors, and sector partners that I got to collaborate with. I’ll be continuing to support board governance and leadership through my consulting work in Crown and Calling. I’ll also be helping Chris and the board to ensure a smooth transition of BCLTA programs and support to trustees. Please feel free to connect via email or LinkedIn.

Welcome to Christine Middlemass, Interim Executive Director

The Board of BLCTA welcomes Christine Middlemass as the Interim Executive Director of the organization, beginning December 1, 2024. Christine comes to us with a wealth of public library and non-profit boards experience. Her skill set includes administration, leadership, teaching and training. We are excited to work with Christine as she leads us forward in our journey to enhancing governance supports to our membership.

You can reach Chris at

A message from Chris: I am honoured to have dedicated my career to the world of libraries, serving in various capacities as a librarian, manager, educator, and advocate. Throughout my journey, I have been driven by a deep passion for learning and a commitment to public service.

My 38-year tenure at the Vancouver Public Library, from 1979 to 2017, provided me with a comprehensive understanding of library operations, from information services to the complexities of collections and technical services management.

As an adjunct professor at the UBC School of Information, I have shared my management knowledge and experience with future library leaders.

My involvement in professional organizations has enriched my career and allowed me to contribute to the broader library community. I served on the Board of the British Columbia Library Association for over a decade, including a term as President in 2020-2021. Currently, I am the Recording Secretary and Board member of Urban Bounty, the Richmond Food Security Society.

I possess a strong foundation in strategic planning, budget management, human resource management, and labour relations. I am excited to leverage my skills and experience to serve as the Executive Director of the BC Library Trustees Association and to advocate for public library trustees and for public libraries.